Wednesday, October 19, 2011


As I have walked through the street corners of New York City, the numerous amount of homeless people living on the sidewalks have caught my eye. The goal of the president is to get these people off the streets and into homes. But have you ever looked at a homeless person and saw the face of someone who can be successful like the president? A president and a homeless person have more in common then we know. A president may be famous and have a luxurious home, and fulfilling duties but he also has personal issues and needs support as he is judged by people who watch him, just like a homeless person.
                When one looks at a president they think his only concern should be to help the nation get through hard times. Barely will one look at a president for his personal issue unless it is blown up by the media… like Bill Clinton. But saving the nation isn’t a president’s only duty but he also has personal concerns like family matter. Homeless people also have personal issues whether it is trying to support a family or trying to get back on their feet. But we never look beyond the issues that these two types of people may be facing; instead we only see what is on the outside.
                Hearing the term “president” for so long we begin to put a few words to the term, such as responsibility and leader.  Hearing the term “homeless” on the other hand, the words poverty and poor will automatically “pop” into my head. When words automatically “pop” into anyone's head this is sometimes called judging. A president will always be viewed as this “family man” and “a graduate student of the best school”, and when a candidate comes along that has neither of these characteristics they are sometimes judged for it.  Homeless people are also judged but mostly in negative ways where they are looked at as dirty and poor people. But they are people just like us the only thing different is that they don’t have a home.
                Presidents will always need support whether it is from family or other political figures. They need support when media brings them down and they also need support behind new ideas. Homeless people need support in a different way than presidents. A homeless person needs support to pick their life up and get off the streets. Without any motivation or support from anyone it is very hard to get back on the right track.
                With all the similarities a president and homeless person may have they also have differences. A president has a big white house to live in along with a bed and a bathroom, therefore we may say he is wealthy. Meanwhile a homeless person would be lucky to even have a place to go to the bathroom. A president is responsible to help a whole nation through a hard time meanwhile a poor persons motive should be to help himself get through a hard time. A president is famous world-wide as he sits down with presidents all over the country while a homeless person will get lucky if the same person passed him twice and even recognized him.
                Although a president may dress classy meanwhile a homeless man barely dresses, they will always have similarities but what one must do is look beyond what we see visually. To determine the similarities a homeless man and a president may have, one must ignore the terms that will come to mind when hearing both words. Instead, we must view what similarities both may have on the inside.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The New York Post and the New York Times are well-known recognized newspapers. But what doesn’t appear to stun readers is how different they both can be. The New York Times is very serious with its matter and gives all the information the readers are looking for from officer quotations to highly creditable sources. The New York Times also has an International Section for foreign affairs. The New York Times sets up its newspaper to grip the readers attention by putting the leading top stories on the cover page and leaving readers with a cliffhanger to continue on to the guided page. By putting this on the first page, attracted customers will look to purchase this newspaper. The articles in the New York Times have every single detail about the topic especially when compared with the New York Post.  

Unlike the New York Times, the New York Post can sometimes be mixed up with a magazine. The New York Post may have serious matter within its articles but it definitely has celebrity gossip as well. While flipping through the pages in the New York post, articles on Ashton Kutcher’s love life occupy one whole page on the famous newspaper as well as Selena Gomez’s outfit at a premiere. Although both newspapers are widely famous, the real question is… Are there customers who realize this difference? If so, is this why they may prefer one newspaper over another?It also seems to me that the New York Times is more organized as well as it splits up its newspaper into International, Business, Art, Sports … etc. Meanwhile, New York Post is more scattered around.

The article I read in both the New York Post and The New York Times was about the terrorist plot that was planned by Manssor Arbabsia. This plot was aiming to kill the Saudi Embassador, Adek Al-Jubeir , in a Washington D.C. bombing.  The New York Post got straight to the point as it was describing the terrorist incident where on the other hand, The New York Times had every single detail including quotations from several officials and even statements from Senator Hilary Clinton. After putting both articles together I know both the details and the overlook on the whole situation. Manssor Arbabsia was looking to kill the embassador by offering 1.5 Million Iranian blood money to anyone who would be willing to kill him and it is believed that it was a Mexican Drug-Cartel Hitman. Manhattan Attorney Preet Bharara stated, “Todays charges should make crystal clear that we will not let other countries use our soil as their battle ground.”  Arbabsia was arrested as he got off the plane at JFK airport. He has agreed to follow any orders until October 5th where he was recorded on a telephone call with Gholam Shakuri using secretive language as he states the code words to assisinate the Saudi Embassador. Arbabsiar appeared in a Manhattan federal court where he is agreeing to be held under custody without any bail until his next hearing on October 25th.
Both Articles had very well descriptions in informing the reader with the topic. But if I was looking for details on the topic I would have definitely read The New York Times opposed to the New York Post. If I was looking for a quick story that I could read minute ride into the city I would have read the Post. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chevrolet Car Show for Breast Cancer Donation

On October 16th, a Chevrolet car show will be held in Smithtown for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This event will last from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. This car show's motive is not just looking to sell cars to customers but it is looking to raise money to help the fight against cancer for not only women but for several men diagnosed with breast cancer as well. 

In 2010, about 207,090 women were predicted to be diagnosed with breast cancer according to Breast Cancer is a disease that may impact every single person but it is more of a hereditary disease. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is looking to help individuals fight cancer and raise awareness. With awareness of how powerful this disease is people will look to get tested earlier because the earlier one is tested the easier it will be to treat it. So there will be hundreds of events held to raise awareness as well as raising money to help cure the ones who are impacted by it. Although October is the month for Breast Cancer, it is every single day for the people who are affected by it along with their families.

This car show is going to donate one hundred dollars from each vehicle sold to the Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition. Chevrolet’s goal by the end of the day is to have raised and donated ten thousand dollars to the Breast Cancer Coalition, as stated by the manager, Peter Kontzanamys.  

Along with these donations Chevrolet is also asking customers to donate their rebates, ten dollars to twenty-five dollars, on oil changes to the American Cancer Society. They don't stop there, in the month of September Chevrolet also donated two hundred dollars for every caution lap their pink Camaro performed. Chevrolet ended up donating 12,800 dollars !Therefore, this car show isn't the only thing that Chevrolet will be doing to help donate to Cancer but it is definitely on the list.

Cancer can hit anybody including those who aren’t getting up and making a difference in society to help those diagnosed. So do something to help those in need. There will be free food, raffles, and live music as well to keep the party going. Lend a helping hand and make breast cancer known!
On October 16th, a Chevrolet car show will be held in Smithtown for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This event will last from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. This car show's motive is looking to raise money to help the fight against cancer for not only women but for several men diagnosed with breast cancer as well.

In 2010, about 207,090 women were predicted to be diagnosed with breast cancer according to of Smithtown is looking to change that number. This car show is going to donate one hundred dollars from each vehicle sold to the Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition. Chevrolet is looking to raise and donate ten thousand dollars to the Breast Cancer Coalition, as stated by the manager, Peter Kontzanamys.  There will also be a ten dollar fee upon entrance which will also be donated to the coalition.

Along with these donations Chevrolet is also asking customers to donate their rebates, ten dollars to twenty-five dollars, on oil changes to the American Cancer Society. Therefore, this car show isn't the only thing that Chevrolet will be doing to help donate to Cancer but it will definitely be one of the valuable events to help breast cancer.